Inspired and On Fire: What One Quote and One E-Mail can do to Stoke the Fires Within
/This is the magnetic board, next to my desk.
I was recently reading the most current issue of the only magazine I read (besides the Sunday New York Times magazine) and one quote really hit me hard. I believe Conscious Company Magazine is one of the most important publications out there today and it inspires me every time knowing there are other business owners and entrepreneurs who are passionate about building responsible businesses. In the about section of the Conscious Company Magazine it says they are here to , "share inspiring, cutting edge stories about business as a force for good, host educational events and workshops, and connect talented individuals with purpose-driven work, all with the higher purpose of elevating consciousness in the business world."
The current issue is about hope and features various articles about how social entrepreneurship and other “conscious” for-profit businesses can help build a more sustainable future for the earth and for its inhabitants: starting with responsible business practices. The article I was reading was “19 Social Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2017”. They featured “inspirations, recommendations and recent lessons from the social entrepreneurs” they interviewed. The first person featured was Jessica Norwood, Founder of “The Runway Project”. It always seems that just when I feel like throwing in the towel I see something that inspires me to pick myself up by the bootstraps and keep moving forward with The Healing Farm concept. Jessica’s quote now hangs on the magnetic board next to my desk (pictured above) alongside The Healing Farm’s trademark certificate which is something that took WAY longer than I thought it would take to obtain, but with perseverance actually happened. It now hangs where I can see it every day to remind myself that I worked hard for it so I need to make The Healing Farm happen!
The quote they featured is: “If you believe, stick with it. Too many people give up right before the tide changes.”
Almost everything I read about obtaining big dreams or striving for something more in life states that it’s hard and it’s full of challenges. It’s what I experience almost everyday in this start-up phase of The Healing Farm and it’s important for me to see that others struggle too, but with great challenges comes great accomplishment. I’m in a tricky place right now straddling between letting go of my photography business (but still needing the income) and trying to find the time to focus on growing The Healing Farm business and it’s really easy sometimes to think about how being a bartender in Mexico might be a lot more fun and WAY less stressful. It’s also a slow process starting this business and I get frustrated, wanting to build The Healing Farm right away. When I get overwhelmed thinking about it, I truly want to throw in the towel and pursue something easier in my middle age. Some days I truly feel that way, but then there are days when I have such a great confidence in this dream and KNOW it’s a missing link in the healthcare industry. Healing centers and places shouldn’t just be for the wealthy, yet so many are built for the luxury market. Healing places also don’t have to be just for those already dedicated to a yoga or meditation practice. Healing places don’t have to be western medicine based either. I want to create a true natural healing place for all and I don’t want to give up. It needs to happen and I’ll figure out how to make it so.
After mulling over the quote for a week or so, an email landed in my inbox and I want to share it with you here. This is not the first time I’ve received an email like this and it sets me on fire to build The Healing Farm. I’ve taken out names and paraphrased to protect privacy, here it is:
I've been following you for a while on Facebook and tonight while searching for a friend in need your site popped up. This is a random chance but do you or the community you've created offer short term healing housing opportunities (I don't think that exists as I think I made that up)...
Here's the situation: I have a friend, named ______, battling _______ disease and it feels like she literally has her last opportunity to live.
{Through my business I try to give her as much organic nourishment as I can}, but she needs so much more. She needs a place to heal. She's _____ single mother of 2, lives {in a supported situation} and is unable to care for her children. Her current living situation is very unstable and unhealthy. I feel in my heart of hearts if she could just go away and heal - she has a chance to win this battle.
That's where your site popped up in my search. I know it's a random outreach but I thought it couldn't hurt.
If you or someone you know have any leads to help manifest this idea I welcome it.
Either way... keep up the awesome work and I hope one day to be at one of your retreats and I'll remind you I was the crazy lady with the crazy idea.
Thanks for even reading this!
This reinforced to me that the tide is indeed changing. More and more people are following The Healing Farm and are inspired by the vision and want me to make my dream come true, to help others. After seeing this email come through, I’m inspired to try to create a crowd-funding campaign to get seed money from passionate people who want this property to happen. Letting go of the photography business to focus fully on The Healing Farm could be the next step I need to focus on how to make The Healing Farm a reality.
Healing myself and healing others. It’s what I’m working toward and it’s a missing link in the health and wellness industry. Let’s together make this happen! The Healing Farm. Cultivating practical wellness!