Welcome and thank you for taking the time to help plant the seeds and grow The Healing Farm - We are always Cultivating Practical Wellness!
Having healed many of my own chronic conditions through working with a functional medicine practitioner (natural healing that gets to the core of the issue(s)) and eating a mostly ancestral based/whole foods diet, I am inspired to build The Healing Farm flagship property to bring immersive and natural healing to one place in a lovely and affordable setting. To test out the market for this concept, The Healing Farm has been running health retreats at existing retreat properties and unusual locations. Most retreats feature a light exercise and meditation program (yoga, light hiking, guided meditation, QiGong) a Whole 30/ancestral-based elimination diet meal plan, no processed foods, all local, organic and grass finished and no industrial seed oils. We feature speakers on nutrition, functional medicine and life-coaching to make a well-rounded and informative program allowing our guests to go home with practical solutions for their long-term immediate and preventative health and healing goals.
In order to grow The Healing Farm and build the property, we need your help to find out exactly who our customer is! Will you take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire? It will help us to better gear the future Healing Farm to be the best it can be FOR YOU! Then maybe to grow and branch out so we can bring a pop-up Healing Farm or an outpost property to an area closer to you! Don't be afraid to be brutally honest. I'm growing a thick skin through this entrepreneurship process and it's vitally important I get the best and most honest information I can to build the right business for all of us. I see The Healing Farm properties as the future of healthcare and hope you do too!